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Antique Galleries of St. Petersburg

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Welcome to Tampa Bay's newest large antique and specialty mall selling ?primitive, antique, mid-century and designer furniture and home or office furnishings?. We offer a wide array of fine, costume and vintage jewelry and rare collectibles for sale.?

We sell antique and modern fine art, folk art and sculpture, designer lighting, antique and custom stained glass, toys, model ships and old tools, fishing and nautical items, military and civil war memorabilia, auction catalogs and books.

There is an area dedicated to outdoor, patio furniture, architectural salvage and Yard Art.

We sell to the public and dealers and buy individual items or whole estates.

More than 85 dealers. 16,000 square feet. Two story with and elevator to the second floor.

Open Mon-Sat 10-5
Sun Noon-5
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